How to Ace PTE – Score 79

Any competitive exam can be overwhelming because, apart from the results, it also carries expectations of others; your career depends on the same, and most of your decisions revolve around that exam. And when you look for guidance on doing well in the exam, it can often leave you confused with differing opinions and tips for scoring well in PTE?

Don’t worry! You only need to refer to this comprehensive guide on cracking the PTE exam. At Rao Consultants, we understand that achieving a high score on the PTE exam can open doors to global opportunities in education and career. We have covered everything you need to take care to ace PTE with a score of 79 or above. Let’s dive in!

What is PTE?

The Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic) is a computer-based English language test designed to assess the readiness of a non-native English speaker to participate in a university-level English language instruction program. The test evaluates the four primary language skills: Listening, Reading, Speaking, and Writing.

What Does PTE Test?

The PTE test is structured to evaluate your English proficiency in a comprehensive manner. Here’s what each section tests:

  • Speaking: Assesses your ability to speak fluently, clearly, and accurately. This section includes tasks like reading aloud, repeating sentences, describing images, and answering short questions.
  • Writing: Tests your ability to construct coherent and grammatically correct written responses. Tasks include summarizing written texts and writing essays.
  • Reading: Evaluates your reading comprehension skills through multiple-choice questions, reordering paragraphs, and filling in the blanks.
  • Listening: Measures your ability to understand spoken English in various accents and contexts. Tasks involve summarizing spoken texts, multiple-choice questions, and filling in the blanks based on audio clips.

Decoding the PTE Exam Pattern & Structure

Understanding the structure of the PTE exam is crucial for effective preparation. The PTE Academic is divided into three main parts, each focusing on different skills:

  1. Speaking & Writing (54–67 minutes): Includes 5 speaking tasks from personal introduction, read aloud, repeat sentence, describe image, re-tell lecture, answer short questions, and 2 writing tasks – summarize written text, and essay.
  2. Reading (29–30 minutes): Comprises multiple-choice questions, re-order paragraphs, and fill in the blanks.
  3. Listening (30–43 minutes): Involves summarizing spoken text, multiple-choice questions, fill in the blanks, highlight correct summary, select missing word, highlight incorrect words, and write from dictation.

Each section is designed to test specific skills, and knowing what to expect can help you prepare more effectively.

Crafting Your Study Plan

A well-structured study plan is the backbone of PTE preparation. Here’s how you can craft an effective plan:

  • Set Clear Goals: Determine your target score and set milestones to track your progress. Break down the overall goal into smaller, manageable objectives.
  • Understand the Test Format: Familiarize yourself with the exam structure and types of questions. Understanding what each section entails helps in planning specific strategies.
  • Allocate Study Time: Dedicate specific hours each day to practice for each section of the test. Consistency is the key. Create a timetable that balances all sections.
  • Use Quality Study Materials: Invest in reliable PTE preparation books and practice tests. Use a mix of materials to get a well-rounded understanding.
  • Periodic Reviews: Regularly review what you’ve learned to ensure retention. Weekly or bi-weekly revisions help in reinforcing the material.
  • Simulate Exam Conditions: Practice under exam-like conditions to build familiarity and reduce anxiety. Timed practice sessions can help in managing time effectively during the actual test.
  • Incorporate Breaks: Schedule short breaks to avoid burnout. Balanced study sessions with breaks can improve focus and efficiency.
  • Use a Study Diary: Maintain a study diary to track your progress and areas needing improvement. Reflect on your daily study sessions to identify what works best for you.
  • Join a Coaching Center: Consider enrolling in a PTE coaching center like Rao Consultants for expert guidance and structured learning. Coaching centers offer tailored study plans and access to experienced trainers. They assist you with all the above points.

Mastering the Speaking Section

The speaking section tests your fluency, pronunciation, and coherence. Here are some strategies to excel:

  • Practice Regularly: Consistently practice speaking English to improve fluency and confidence. Engage in conversations in English as much as possible. Daily practice helps in reducing anxiety and builds confidence and memory for fluent speech.
  • Record Yourself: Recording your responses can help you identify areas for improvement. Listen to your recordings and track your progress. This self-assessment helps in recognizing pronunciation errors, gaps in fluency and areas needing more clarity.
  • Focus on Clarity: Speak clearly and at a moderate pace. Avoid speaking too fast as it can lead to mispronunciation and loss of coherence. Clear articulation ensures that the automated scoring system accurately captures your response.
  • Use Natural Intonation: Pay attention to the natural rise and fall of your voice to sound more engaging. Monotonous speech can negatively impact your score as it indicates a lack of expression and engagement.
  • Expand Vocabulary: Regularly learn new words and phrases. A rich vocabulary helps in expressing ideas more effectively and adds variety to your responses. Use flashcards or vocabulary apps to build your lexicon.
  • Feedback and Improvement: Seek feedback from teachers or peers. Constructive criticism can help you refine your speaking skills. Feedback sessions highlight your strengths and pinpoint areas for development.
  • Practice Pronunciation: Use online tools and apps to practice pronunciation. Correct pronunciation is crucial for scoring well, as mispronounced words can lead to misunderstandings. Phonetic exercises and pronunciation guides can be particularly helpful.

Strategies for the Writing Section

Writing well-structured and grammatically correct responses is key. Follow these tips:

  • Practice Summarizing: Work on summarizing complex texts in a concise manner. Focus on capturing the main ideas and essential details. Summarizing exercises help in developing the skill to distill information effectively.
  • Essay Writing: Practice writing essays on various topics. Focus on structure, coherence, and argumentation. Develop a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Ensure that each paragraph transitions smoothly to maintain the flow.
  • Time Management: Allocate specific time to plan, write, and review your essays. Use the first few minutes to outline your thoughts before writing. Planning helps in organizing your essay and ensuring all points are covered.
  • Grammar and Punctuation: Pay attention to grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Errors can significantly lower your score. Use grammar check tools to practice and refine your writing.
  • Vocabulary Usage: Use a varied vocabulary to make your writing more engaging. Avoid repetition of words and phrases. Incorporate synonyms and advanced vocabulary to enhance the quality of your writing.
  • Review and Edit: Always leave a few minutes at the end to review and edit your work. Look for and correct any mistakes. This step is crucial for catching errors you might have missed initially.
  • Sample Essays: Read high-scoring sample essays to understand what is expected. Analyze their structure and style to gain insights into effective essay writing.
  • Practice Typing: Since the PTE is a computer-based test, fast and accurate typing is essential. Practice typing essays within a set time limit to build speed and efficiency.
  • Outline Before Writing: Spend a few minutes outlining your essay before you start writing. This helps in organizing your thoughts and ensuring a coherent structure.
  • Argument Development: Make sure your arguments are well-developed and supported by examples. Strong arguments contribute to a higher score by demonstrating critical thinking and coherence.
  • Use Transitional Phrases: Use transitional phrases to ensure smooth flow between paragraphs. This enhances the readability of your essay and helps in maintaining a logical progression of ideas.

Strategies for Reading Passage

Reading comprehension requires careful analysis of the text. Here’s how to tackle it:

  • Skim and Scan: Quickly skim through the passage to get a general idea before diving into detailed reading. This helps in understanding the context and main ideas, making it easier to locate specific information later.
  • Highlight Key Points: Mark important information and keywords while reading. This makes it easier to refer back when answering questions. Underlining or annotating key points helps with quick reference and saves time.
  • Practice Regularly: Regular practice of different types of reading passages improves speed and accuracy. Use practice tests to familiarize yourself with the question types and develop effective reading strategies.
  • Improve Vocabulary: A strong vocabulary helps in understanding complex texts. Make a habit of learning new words daily. Using vocabulary apps and flashcards can be beneficial.
  • Understand Question Types: Familiarize yourself with the different question types in the reading section. Knowing what to expect can help you approach each question more effectively and reduce anxiety.
  • Critical Thinking: Develop critical thinking skills to analyze and interpret the text. Look beyond the surface meaning to understand underlying themes and ideas. This skill is crucial for answering inference and summary questions.
  • Annotate the Text: Make notes or annotations on the text to track important points and arguments. This can help in quickly locating information during questions and enhances comprehension.
  • Practice Inference Questions: Inference questions require you to read between the lines. Practice these questions to improve your ability to deduce information. This helps in developing analytical skills and deeper understanding.
  • Summarize Paragraphs: Summarize each paragraph in a few words or sentences. This helps in understanding the overall structure and key points of the passage. Summarization aids in retention and recall of information.

Mastering the Listening Section

To ace the listening section, you need to understand various English accents and contexts:

  • Active Listening: Practice active listening by focusing on understanding the main ideas and details. Engage in exercises that require you to summarize or paraphrase what you hear. Active listening builds comprehension and retention skills.
  • Take Notes: Develop a shorthand for taking quick and effective notes during the listening tasks. Focus on key points and avoid writing down everything verbatim. Effective note-taking helps in capturing essential information without getting overwhelmed.
  • Practice with Different Accents: Listen to English content from different regions to get accustomed to various accents. Podcasts, news broadcasts, and TV shows are great resources. Exposure to different accents reduces the difficulty of understanding diverse speakers during the test.
  • Use Subtitles: Initially, use subtitles to understand different accents and gradually wean off as you get more comfortable. This helps in acclimatizing to different speech patterns.
  • Summarize: After listening to an audio clip, summarize it in your own words. This helps in retaining information and improving comprehension. Summarizing exercises reinforce listening skills and information retention.
  • Multiple-choice: Attempt multiple-choice listening questions to get used to the format and improve accuracy. This type of practice helps in understanding how to pick the best answer from given options.
  • Regular Exposure: Make it a habit to listen to English every day. This constant exposure helps in tuning your ears to different speech patterns and speeds. Consistent listening practice builds familiarity and ease with the language.
  • Practice Dictation: Write down what you hear in dictation exercises. This improves your ability to catch details and enhances your note-taking skills. Dictation practice also sharpens listening precision.
  • Simulate Test Conditions: Practice listening exercises under exam-like conditions. This helps in managing time and reducing anxiety during the actual test. Simulated practice builds comfort and confidence.
  • Review Mistakes: Listen to audio clips multiple times to understand where you went wrong. Reviewing mistakes helps in improving accuracy. Identifying and correcting errors is crucial for continual improvement.

Practice Makes the PTE Score Higher

Regular practice is essential to achieving a high score in PTE. Here are some ways to practice effectively:

  • Mock Tests: Take full-length mock tests under timed conditions to simulate the actual exam environment. Analyze your performance to identify areas for improvement. Mock tests help in building stamina and familiarity with the test format.
  • Daily Practice: Incorporate daily practice sessions for each section of the test. Consistency is key to gradual improvement. Daily practice ensures steady progress and skill reinforcement.
  • Review Mistakes: Analyze your mistakes and work on the areas where you lost marks. Understanding why you made mistakes helps in avoiding them in the future. Mistake analysis is as crucial as practicing for targeted improvement.
  • Variety in Practice: Use a variety of practice materials, including books, online resources, and coaching center materials. Exposure to different types of questions enhances your adaptability. Diverse practice materials broaden your preparation.
  • Feedback: Seek feedback from teachers or peers on your practice tests. Constructive criticism helps in refining your skills. Feedback sessions provide insights into your performance and areas needing improvement.
  • Incremental Goals: Set incremental goals to track your progress. Celebrate small achievements to stay motivated. Achievable goals keep you focused and motivated.
  • Topic-Specific Practice: Focus on specific topics or question types that you find challenging. Targeted practice can help in overcoming weaknesses. Specialized practice strengthens weak areas.
  • Simulated Exam Days: Plan simulated exam days where you take a full-length test in one sitting. This builds stamina and familiarity with the test format. Simulated practice reduces test-day anxiety and improves endurance.

Determine Your Strengths and Weaknesses

Identifying your strengths and weaknesses can help you focus your preparation:

  • Self-Assessment: Take initial practice tests to gauge your proficiency in each section. Use this as a baseline to measure your progress. Self-assessment helps in understanding your starting point.
  • Focus on Weak Areas: Devote more time to improve your weak areas while maintaining your strengths. Tailor your study plan to address specific challenges. Focusing on weaknesses ensures comprehensive preparation.
  • Strengthen your Strengths: Continue to prepare and refine the areas where you are already strong. This ensures you can maximize your score in those sections. Consistent preparation maintains and enhances your proficiency.
  • Regular Feedback: Seek regular feedback from teachers or peers to identify your strengths and weaknesses accurately. External insights can provide a fresh perspective. Feedback is essential for objective assessment.
  • Track Progress: Keep a record of your scores and progress in each section over time. Use this data to adjust your study plan as needed. Progress tracking helps in identifying trends and areas needing more focus.
  • Focus Sessions: Dedicate specific practice sessions to your weaker sections. Use targeted exercises and materials to build confidence and skill. Focused sessions ensure concentrated improvement.
  • Reflect and Adapt: Reflect on your study methods and adapt them based on what works best for you. Flexibility in your approach can lead to better results. Adapting your strategy ensures it remains effective and relevant.

Time Management During Test

Effective time management is crucial for success in the PTE exam. Here’s how to manage your time efficiently:

  • Know the Format: Familiarize yourself with the test format and the time allocated for each section. Understanding the structure helps in planning your time effectively.
  • Timed Practice: Practice each section under timed conditions to develop a sense of pacing. This helps in managing your time during the actual test. Timed practice builds efficiency and confidence.
  • Allocate Time: Allocate specific time blocks for each question type within a section. Stick to these time limits to avoid spending too long on any one question. Time allocation ensures balanced focus.
  • Monitor Time: Keep an eye on the clock during the test. Regularly check the time to ensure you are on track. Time monitoring prevents last-minute rushes.
  • Avoid Overthinking: Don’t spend too much time on a single question. If you’re stuck, move on and come back to it later if time permits. Overthinking can waste valuable time.
  • Practice Efficiency: Develop efficient methods for answering questions. For example, use skimming techniques for reading passages and shorthand for note-taking in listening tasks. Efficient methods save time and improve accuracy.

Additional Tips to Follow for Scoring 79 in PTE

Surround Yourselves with Supportive Peers with Similar Goals

Studying with peers who have similar goals can be motivating and productive. Join study groups where you can share tips, practice together and provide mutual support. This collaborative approach can enhance your learning experience and keep you accountable. Moreover, if it feels like there are a lot of things to take care of, then you would benefit greatly from such a support system.

Be Authentic

Be yourself during the speaking and writing sections. Authenticity ensures that you are comfortable and confident in your responses. Avoid trying to mimic accents or use overly complex vocabulary that you are not familiar with. Clear, accurate, and genuine responses score better.

Manage Stress Level & Stay Healthy

Your mental and physical well-being significantly impact your performance. Ensure you get adequate sleep, eat a balanced diet, and engage in regular physical activity. Practice stress management techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or yoga to stay calm and focused during your preparation and on the test day.


Scoring a 79 or above in the PTE is a challenging but achievable goal with the right efforts, environment, and guidance. If you feel like you need support and help in your preparation journey, please feel free to drop us a message or call. Our expert team of counselors and faculty will gladly support you and ensure we leave no stone unturned in your preparation to achieve your target score.

How to Ace IELTS (Updated 2024)

The International English Language Testing System A.K.A IELTS is a boon for every student’s study abroad dream. Every university or college has a specific requirement of certain bands depending on the requirement of the course! If a student wants to get admission to that particular college/university and course- he/she has to make sure that the score is achieved. The four modules of the examination, i.e., Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking might sound and look easy- but they are not. You can make it easier with enroll in Best IELTS Coaching.

You need resilience, practice, and utmost concentration if you want to crack the IELTS exam. The sections if worked on properly will help you score your dream bands and eventually your dream university/college. While we understand that it’s easier said than done! – We have just the right tips to ace IELTS in 2024 for you!

Let’s Look at it Section Wise First!

Prepare for the IELTS Exam- Reading Section!

Generally, reading section becomes easier if you catch the essence of the passage given to you. You will be facing three passages with different difficulty levels which are to be finished in an hour’s time. Thus, the dedication of 20 minutes to one passage makes it a challenge. It is also noted that academic reading tests are not as easy as general reading tests. Let us look at the tips!

  • If you are not able to answer a question, instead of hooking on to it, move to the next and save that question for the last.
  • Make sure to carefully review the graphs, images, or any figures given in the passage as you work on solving the questions. Every small detail is important.
  • Make sure to carefully read the questions in the given passage and mark the lines that you feel can be the potential answers.
  • You can use capital letters for answering the questions.
  • Always make sure that you have checked the spelling and grammar before you submit your final answers. A small mistake can land you in a soup.

Prepare for the IELTS Exam- Writing Section!

When we generally end up asking about which is the hardest module students find, Writing tops it. Unlike, Listening and Reading, here you have a diagram or a question that needs to be answered considering your own creativity and language flair. Let’s look into some good writing tips!

  • Timely completing the task is very important here. Try giving more time to task 2 and less time to task 1.
  • While practicing, make sure to write a little more than 150 words in task one and 250 words in task two.
  • Always provide conclusions to your tasks.
  • You should avoid repetition of words and phrases while constructing a paragraph.
  • More usage of active voice should be done and less passive voice.
  • Try and write to the point instead of writing lengthy sentences.
  • Always proofread the answer written before you submit it.

Prepare for the IELTS Exam- Listening Section!

The listening section in an IELTS exam is considered the easiest section if practiced correctly. There are a lot of intricacies to consider before you even start listening to audio and answering the questions. Here are some tips for you to ace the same!

  • Take advantage of the provided time and familiarize yourself with the questions before the audio actually begins.
  • Always make sure to write the pointers on the question paper while listening to the audio.
  • As the recording will be played only once, focus and attentiveness while listening to the audio is a must.
  • Always make sure to answer the question within the asked word limit.
  • Lastly, grammar checks and proofreading the answers for spelling are very important.

Prepare for the IELTS Exam- Speaking Section!

Here is the deal with the speaking section. This section needs a lot of practice and resilience in all three sections as it purely depends on your creativity. As you have an allocated time for each particular task, you need to be well-ready and spontaneous for this section. Let’s look at some tips for the same!

  • While giving the interview, make sure that you have understood the question correctly.
  • Speak at a moderate pace to ensure the examiner can understand you clearly and properly.
  • Your speech should sound confident and assuring.
  • Make sure that you do not divert from the question asked.
  • If you did not understand the question, ask the examiner to repeat the same.
  • Pay attention to the words you choose while speaking, the way you have constructed the sentences, and the overall tone of speaking.
  • Make sure not to take long pauses while speaking.

We understand that these tips might seem a little overwhelming. But truth be told, with seamless guidance from an expert tutor, lots of practice, and mock tests you can easily Maximize your IELTS score. Meanwhile, we have talked about some section-wise tips, here are some overall tips to ace the IELTS exam.

Crack Your IELTS EXAM- General Tips!

By following the below-mentioned tips, we are sure that you will excel in your IELTS test remarkably.

  • Read- Read and Read! – Make it a habit to read, pick up new terms, and attempt to utilize them in the right contexts. Read every day or listen to English news in newspapers. Develop your capacity to look for details and take notes when reading to hone your talent. Since you have a limited amount of time to respond, you must manage the time restriction.
  • Increase your writing skills! – Work on writing more quickly by practicing timely writing. You will be able to handle task 2 better, which is lengthier and requires more time, by polishing your writing abilities. Make a point of the new terms and use them to construct sentences. Examine the task 2 question closely to ensure that all of its components have been covered. Work at your own pace so that you have time to go over what you have written.
  • Enhance your Listening Skills! – You can watch daily English news and write about it afterward. You only get one chance to hear the tape, so pay attention and practice your listening skills to ensure that you don’t miss anything. However, if you would like to listen to the tape again, repeat reading the script and take note of any helpful expressions. You want to be aware of the precise questions posed and make sure you have the guidelines.
  • Increase your Vocabulary! – As your reading comprehension improves, be sure to pick up new vocabulary and apply it appropriately. You must read a lot to accomplish this. Make a note of the new terms and practice using them in suitable sentences. Read editorials and articles from various periodicals to become familiar with new vocabulary. To incorporate new words into your everyday speech, you must use them frequently.
  • Fluency and Pronunciation are a must! –There are three sections to the speaking section: a free interview, a structured interview, and a brief discussion. For four to five minutes, candidates will be asked two to three quick questions on well-known subjects. Talk in English for a while throughout this practice, paying close attention to your pronunciation. To get knowledgeable about several subjects and be able to communicate about them, read and listen to a variety of topics. Note your speaking weaknesses and strengths by recording yourself.

These tips are a game-changer for you want to excel in the IELTS examination in 2024. But again, we understand that the pressure can be immense, and language jitters are for real! Any or every examination can get us nervous.

That’s exactly where we come in. At Rao Consultants, we have highly trained experts who are certified IELTS practitioners and have many tips that can help you ace your IELTS examination with an excellent score. Right from updated materials to a bucket full of mock tests, and sectional tests, we have got you all covered! Additionally, Rao Consultants has been constantly ranked as the best IELTS coaching in Ahmedabad!

You can check our awards and recognitions here:

Finding it difficult to Crack the IELTS Examination?

Get in touch with us for IELTS coaching now!

What to Expect in the IELTS Examination?

The International English Language Testing System, commonly known as IELTS, is a crucial examination for individuals looking to study, work, or migrate to English-speaking countries. It’s recognized worldwide as a reliable assessment of English language proficiency. To succeed in the IELTS examination, it’s essential to understand what to expect. In this blog, we’ll explore the various aspects of the IELTS examination, including its format, expectations, and how to prepare effectively. We’ll also touch upon the significance of IELTS coaching, focusing on the offerings of Rao Consultants in Ahmedabad.

Understanding the IELTS Examination

Before diving into what to expect in the IELTS examination, let’s first understand the basics of this test. The IELTS examination assesses a test-taker’s ability to understand, communicate, and interact in English in various contexts. It consists of four main components:

  1. Listening: This section evaluates your ability to understand English, including conversations and monologues. Test-takers listen to audio recordings and answer questions based on what they hear.
  2. Reading: In the reading section, you are presented with a variety of texts and are required to answer questions related to the content. The texts vary in complexity, and you must demonstrate your reading comprehension skills.
  3. Writing: Test-takers are assessed on their ability to present ideas coherently and write essay and letter/report in response to given prompts.
  4. Speaking: The speaking test is a face-to-face interview with an examiner, where you’ll discuss various topics, express opinions, and engage in conversations.

Deciphering IELTS Requirements

Now, let’s delve into what the IELTS examination expects from candidates:

  • Language Proficiency: The primary expectation is that you possess a strong command of the English language. You should be able to use a wide range of vocabulary, use correct grammar and syntax, and pronounce words accurately.
  • Adaptability: The IELTS examination is designed to test your ability to adapt to different accents and dialects. The listening section, in particular, presents a variety of accents, including British, American, Australian, and Canadian, to name a few.
  • Time Management: Each section of the IELTS examination has a strict time limit. It’s essential to manage your time effectively to complete all tasks within the allocated time.
  • Analytical Skills: In the reading and writing sections, you’ll need to demonstrate analytical skills. You must comprehend the main ideas of texts and develop well-structured essays or reports.
  • Fluency and Coherence: When speaking and writing, you are expected to communicate clearly, coherently, and with fluency. This means maintaining a logical flow in your speech and writing, and avoiding excessive pauses or hesitation.
  • Content Relevance: Your responses in the speaking and writing sections should be directly related to the given topics or prompts. Irrelevant or off-topic responses will negatively impact your score.

IELTS Exam Preparation

Preparing for the IELTS examination is crucial to meet the expectations and perform well. Here are some key aspects of IELTS exam preparation:

  1. Vocabulary Building: Enhance your vocabulary by learning new words and phrases. This will help you express yourself more effectively in both the speaking and writing sections.
  2. Practice Tests: Familiarize yourself with the IELTS format by taking practice tests. These simulate the actual exam conditions and help you get comfortable with the time constraints.
  3. Listening Practice: Listen to a variety of English audio materials, such as podcasts, interviews, and news broadcasts, to improve your listening skills.
  4. Reading Practice: Read a wide range of texts, including newspapers, magazines, and academic articles, to improve your reading comprehension.
  5. Writing Practice: Work on your writing skills by practicing essay and report writing. Pay attention to essay structure and organization.
  6. Speaking Practice: Engage in conversations in English with native speakers or fellow test-takers to improve your speaking skills. You can also record yourself and evaluate your speaking performance.
  7. Time Management: Learn to manage your time during the examination. For instance, in the reading section, don’t spend too much time on a single question. If you’re unsure, move on and come back to it later.

IELTS Exam Expectations

Apart from individual skills, there are some specific expectations for each section of the IELTS examination:

  • Listening: You will listen to four recordings, each with a set of questions. Pay attention to the instructions and take notes while listening. The recording will only be played once.
  • Reading: The reading section consists of three long texts with questions. Expect to encounter various types of questions, such as multiple-choice, true/false/not given, and matching information.
  • Writing: You will be given two writing tasks – Task 1 (a report) and Task 2 (an essay). Task 2 is worth more points, so allocate your time accordingly. In Task 2, make sure you present a clear argument and support it with relevant examples.
  • Speaking: During the speaking section, the examiner will ask you a range of questions. Be prepared to discuss a variety of topics, including personal experiences, opinions, and abstract ideas. Keep your answers detailed and avoid one-word responses.

The Significance of IELTS Coaching

IELTS preparation can be an overwhelming task, especially if you’re not sure where to begin. This is where IELTS coaching comes into play. IELTS coaching in Ahmedabad, provide valuable support and resources to help you achieve your desired scores. Here’s why you should consider choosing Rao Consultants for your IELTS preparation:

  • Expert Guidance: Rao Consultants boasts a team of experienced and highly qualified instructors who are well-versed in the IELTS examination. They can provide personalized guidance and feedback to help you improve your skills.
  • Comprehensive Study Material: Coaching centers like Rao Consultants typically offer a wide range of study materials, including practice tests, sample essays, and speaking tasks. These materials are essential for effective exam preparation.
  • Structured Curriculum: Rao Consultants can provide you with a structured curriculum that covers all four sections of the IELTS examination. This ensures that you receive a comprehensive education on what to expect and how to prepare.
  • Mock Tests: Mock tests are a vital component of IELTS preparation. Rao Consultants can administer mock tests that simulate the actual exam conditions, helping you get used to the time constraints and testing environment.
  • Feedback and Evaluation: One of the key benefits of coaching is the constant feedback and evaluation. Rao Consultants can assess your progress and pinpoint areas that need improvement.
  • Confidence Building: IELTS coaching centers can boost your confidence by providing you with the skills and knowledge required to excel in the examination.


In conclusion, the IELTS examination expects candidates to demonstrate proficiency in English language skills, adaptability to various accents, effective time management, analytical thinking, and coherent communication. To meet these expectations, thorough preparation is essential. IELTS coaching in Ahmedabad offer valuable support and resources to help you achieve your goals. With the right guidance and practice, you can confidently face the IELTS examination and make your dreams of studying, working, or migrating to English-speaking countries a reality.

If you’re considering IELTS preparation, why not choose Rao Consultants for the best guidance and support? Our experienced instructors, comprehensive study materials, and structured curriculum will help you achieve your desired IELTS scores. Join us today and take the first step toward your international dreams.

Top 10 Reasons Why IELTS Test is Important

Instead of jumping straight to the reasons why IELTS is important, let us first have a brief about what IELTS is all about? As many of you might know IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is a one of the most popular and a standardized tests of English language to assess your language proficiency in order to get you into a foreign country. It. A decent IELTS score is imperative and one of the major perquisites if you are a student planning to pursue your further studies abroad in countries like Canada, USA, United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand or if you are the one who aspires to work or settle overseas. The IELTS test is jointly administered by IDP, British Council and Cambridge Assessment English. Let us now go through the top 10 reasons why IELTS is important and how acing the test can make you reap astonishing benefits:

1) Primary stride to study abroad

The first and foremost step towards fulfilling your dream of studying abroad in countries such as Canada and Australia, is to achieve a good score in the IELTS test. You are halfway there once you are through this. Everything takes over from here. Now you know how important IELTS is.

2) The IELTS test is recognised world-wide

IELTS is accepted in 140 countries, by more than 10,000 institutions across the globe with 3,400 in the U.S alone. This makes it the most preferred foreign education entrance test among students everywhere. Above four hundred thousand (400,000) students took the IELTS test the previous year and the number just keeps escalating by the day.

3) Enhances your English Language skills

The IELTS test format has been structured in such a way that it becomes easier for you as the test takers to gauge your proficiency level of English language in comparison with the native English speakers, thereby assisting you to learn the language better and improve your language skills and fluency.

4) Get to learn various accents

While considering taking IELTS test, you come across different accents of the English language. There is peculiar difference between British, American, and Australian accents which you as a non-native speaker of the language are not aware of.  But when you prepare for IELTS, you encounter these accents especially in the listening module of the test leaving you prepared for identifying it at the basic level and helping you learn them over a short period of time.

5) Provides you with a real-time experience

The IELTS Test is intended to integrate real-life situations through its speaking module where you directly interact with an examiner. It is a private meeting between the two of you, i.e., the candidate and the examiner. It is an ideal situation which allows you to deal with actual challenges you might run into while studying abroad.

6) Serves your immigration purpose

If you are planning to migrate to a foreign country like Canada, Australia, Australia or New Zealand, then the General training module of the IELTS test with requisite score is required for you to be eligible to process your immigration file and get you permanent residency.

7) Opens doors to work opportunities globally

It goes without saying that you get your due in terms of ample growth opportunities and good remuneration when you work at an organisation in a foreign country. Those who wish to work abroad needs to appear for the IELTS General training module and acquire a decent score to get offers from the employers.

8) Two alternatives of the test to choose from

While you plan to take the test, you can select from two of its options: Paper-based IELTS or Computer-delivered IELTS. Without any change in the test format and extra cost, the Computer-delivered IELTS offers multiple date availability option which is almost every day of the week  up to 3 times per day.

9) Quicker results with higher accuracy

The IELTS test results are a measure of fair, accurate and highly reliable assessment of your English language proficiency level because the test is meticulously formulated by the language experts of countries such as the USA, the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

10) Administered by reliable bodies

The IELTS test is collectively managed by IDP, British Council and Cambridge Assessment English. All of them are extremely trusted organisations that are known to render academic brilliance and traditional understanding.

It is best advised to seek coaching for IELTS from a professional to gain the maximum results. If you hail from Ahmedabad, try reaching out to the best IELTS coaching in Ahmedabad.

Crack Your IELTS Exam With Online Coaching

Do you plan to study and settle abroad but afraid the language might pose an obstacle for you? Does your location is far from renowned IELTS coaching classes but still you want to attend? If your answer is yes to both the questions then we have some good news for you! No matter wherever you live, there is a way to master a language without going into a classroom – learning a language online. Online learning is also a brilliant way of learning while stuck in a pandemic situation as COVID 19. Let’s understand why should you join in online IELTS classes?

What is online IELTS Coaching?

Online education is an art of knowledge transfer through the internet, from anywhere in the world to targeted students to learn their specific subject. The online IELTS coaching not only provides you with the right resources and exercise to do well in your exams but also provides you opportunities to practice them under the direction of a trainer. Moreover, you will develop your speed reading skills, listening skills, improve your speaking responses, and your essay planning and writing skills.

More Benefits of Online Coaching:

  1. More Convenience: You can learn from anywhere around the world as long as you have an internet connection. Your coaches will connect with you through a video app or email.
  2. More Attention: Online IELTS education permits you to enjoy individual attention from your coach. They can evaluate your recorded video and guide further accordingly.
  3. More Stress-free: Online learning would relieve you of that hassle since you are working independently and not in a classroom.
  4. More Flexibility: In an online class, you have the flexibility to choose a schedule that is most suitable for you. You can opt to have just a few hours a day.
  5. More Comfort: IELTS learning solves the problem of finding IELTS classes in your locality. You don’t need to travel to your class and you can just study at home.
  6. More Easy on the Pockets: eBooks and notes are always saved in your hard drive when it comes to online training.
  7. More Support: You can interact with your mentors via email, whenever you have any doubts, and chat support is available on video lessons and websites.
  8. More Accessibility: Online education help professionals to learn better and faster, as downloadable online notes, online support, online interaction, training videos, and assessments are easily accessible.
  9. More Information Retention: Online coaching help learners hold and remember information with eye-catching images, relevant videos, legible fonts, movie clips, animated descriptions, etc.
  10. More Constructive: It’s providing constructive criticism through quizzes offer trainees the ability to understand where they stand in terms of knowledge.
  11. More Cost-effective: As transportation, parking, maintenance, etc. expenses not affecting in online classes, it’s more efficient. 
  12. More Safety: You are safe and secure from the transition of hazardous viral disease as you are not directly in touch with anybody.
  13. More Time saving: Faster and frequent feedback saves your time and efforts when compared to other platforms of coaching.

Say No to Myths:

Myth 1: Online courses aren’t as actual as in-class learning

Fact: Over the years, numerous online courses have confirmed themselves to be just as effective as their traditional counterparts when it comes to learning.  

Myth 2:  Online courses aren’t recognized:

Fact: Since online education became more accepted, various accredited institutions have included online courses as part of their curriculum.

Myth 3: It’s easier to cheat in an online class:

Fact: Online cheating was a major concern for several years, but technology has changed to address this criticism. Online teaching also inclines to appraise students differently.

Myth 4: Online students don’t get to cooperate with the teacher:

Fact: Online education provides the opportunity for tutors to join in on discussion chat rooms, offer webinars, or even conduct video conversations as one to one with students who need more personal guidance.

Why IELTS is Very Important?

International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is the globally-recognized exam for the English language. The prime objective of IELTS is to measure the English language aptitude of the candidates who wish to study or settle abroad where English is the leading language of communication. Language skills are also the key factor to improve your study and career achievement abroad. The language score is even helpful to you when points are measured for your final visa selection.

Importance of IELTS in Abroad Education:

As an imminent international student or international citizen, you will need higher IELTS scores to be enrolled in an advanced degree program. See the minimum score of IELTS to secure admission in different countries.


IELTS Minimum Requirement (UG)

IELTS Minimum Requirement (PG)

United States

6 Bands 6.5 Bands


6 Bands

6.5 Bands


6 Bands

6.5 Bands


6 Bands 6.5 Bands


6 Bands

6.5 Bands

*Disclaimer: The minimum IELTS requirement may differ upon college, course, and visa guidelines.

Hence, securing a higher score in IELTS assists you to obtain admission into international universities, institutes and eventually achieving your career dreams.

How IELTS Increases Your Chances for Visa Approval?

There are many factors affecting your points in the visa process, such as your Age, Education, Finance, family background, and many more. Among all these factors you can only increase your points by IELTS exam scores that are yet in your hand to improve. Since you can neither change your age, education, and other concerning factors.

How is the IELTS Score Measured?

There are two types of IELTS scores – Overall Band Scores and Sectional Band Scores. Sectional band scores are the scores obtained by a test-taker in per section, and the Overall Band Score is the average of all the sectional band scores. Test-takers are marked from 0 to 9 for both overall and sectional scores. Overall band scores are always rounded off to the next half or whole band.

IELTS Band Score Descriptors

IELTS Band Score

Skill Level




Very good










Extremely Limited




Did Not Attempt the Test


Your IELTS score plays a very important part of obtaining a visa, admission or settles in leading English-speaking countries. A high score can set you on a different level from other candidates and stretch your profile substantially. In recent years online coaching has been becoming very popular among the aspirants. Applying the online for improving your abilities is the crucial way to climb up the success ranking, as the best investment that you can make is investing in yourself.

Why Choose no.1 IELTS Coaching?

Rao Consultants, the No.1 IELTS Coaching class in Ahmedabad, provides you with online IELTS coaching, focused practice in combination with the precise training. Our experienced and specialized instructors, up-to-date techniques, and world-class material ensure that you not only prepare for the exam but also upturn mastery of the English language. Our words transform into actions and the final results are there for all to see.

See for yourself! Your career! Your dreams! Online IELTS exam!

IELTS – General Tips for Reading, Speaking, Listening & Writing

Are you aspiring to move abroad? But IELTS seems trouble for you? You’ve got a reason to read this.

IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is a standardized exam format to evaluate the English language for non- native English language speakers. It is managed by the British Council and IDP. Most of the people wanted to visit foreign either to study or to settle down. For these two purposes, IELTS has segregated into two parts i.e., Academic in case you are looking to Study further & General if you plan to migrate there. The exam is acceptable worldwide & precisely designed to examine your language proficiency to communicate &succor in an English speaking country. It recognizes both British &American English for spell check, word picks, grammar & mix of accents of the native speaker throughout the test.

It has no such syllabus but is a matter of practicing the English language by speaking, writing, reading and listening. The world has diverse cultures and adapting a different one might be difficult but knowing a mutually acceptable language will open doors for you. Initiating IELTS coaching would be worthless, if not accompanied by self-efforts to reap the desired results. We often use our mobiles as only time passing device these days, nothing would be better than using the same in favor of your future. This blog will help you to figure your ways out to manage your leisure in a way to condition your proficiency. IELTS acts as a catalyst in your journey to study-work-settle abroad.

Here are some of the quirk tricks to encourage a superior flow of communication, along with the regular coaching-

  • Social Interactiveness

An excellent way to improve your fluency along with the vocabulary is to confidently interact with people around you it develops conversing skills and provides a sense of culture.’ Learning by doing’ is exactly how it works, if you like to meet new people and know how to pick up a skill by copying or adapting. Situating yourself, clubbing up with a group of people where you speak up your mind, put up your opinions, listen to others. A popular saying suggests’ be a good listener to be a good speaker”, this perfectly fits here, if you listen to people you memorize words, actions or situations that help you to adapt varied language structures. Random people interactions and regular coaching will help you sail it through.

  • Distributed practice is a myth

Dedicated time to practice a particular part has been developed by the new method that can be called a mix of Study. It says Instead of allotting your time in learning” little and often’ you can go for breaking it into small chunks to absorb well and reap results effectively. Researches have shown that studying long at one place can be draining and shorter time is more likely to retain your learning. Although, things differ in individualistic cling to learning capacitiesStay Consistent in making output out of it.

  • Follow the cue Cards formula

Practice making quick small paraphrases using the cue cards. In IELTS, you will be given 1 minute to describe a situation, a memory, travel, learning or any part of the journey that made a lifelong spot in your head. Picking a card on a random basis and speaking in your circles, about a topic will make it easier. This will improve vocabulary, better sentence framing & confidence to relate things and be more spontaneous while speaking. The focus must be on developing the content with less duplicity and impactful vocabulary, ‘not so proper accent’ is not a threat to this.

  • Confused where to focus?

It’s usual if you’ve got confusion about, from where to start or where to focus. Just stay attentive & pick up subjects that spark your interest, they would surely last in your memory. Those picks depict how you manage your time and where do you exactly engage yourself. The topics can be about current happenings or affairs, personality admirations, version of your memories, any achievements and associated things. Motivation about doing something comes from within, the same way pushing yourself towards improving English proficiency can be triggered by deciding IELTS dates prior to enrolling for IELTS Coaching.

  • Reading- a gift to yourself.

Reading is something that engages your mind and makes you visualize. It’s amongst the pre-eminent factors to refine your vocabulary. Visual concealment is necessary.

Don’t be a bibliomaniac, instead, sympathize with what you read, try to brainstorm, that sure would help you beautifully narrate in your own words. Like the quote says” Rome was not built a day’, there is no way, you can become an English expert overnight. Make a habit of reading at a particular time of a day like before going to bed. Not only, it’ll help you to get good sleep, but also reading offers you a calm state of mind which boosts your analytical skills.

  • Write every day

Small phrases daily. As the famous writer, ‘George Bernard Shaw, used to write 5 pages a day so that after some days writing will become your hobby. It’s necessary to study high-quality articles in newspapers or magazines on a variety of subjects if improving writing skills is a need for you. By putting thoughts into words you get to know how to connect with people. You imagine, visualize and frame that into words that interpret meaning. In IELTS, you get moreover diagram based questions like, graphs, tables, maps, etc. which has data to be incorporated in your words.

  • What else can you do?

While preparing for IELTS, do not forget to enjoy your leisure time. You can make the best usage of it by watching English movies, documentaries, series, talk-shows and group discussions, it exercises your mind & enhances listening capabilities, general understanding. Involving your time with the current affairs, happenings around the world, countries will no doubt, make you rich in content when it comes to speaking part. Grab new words along with their meaning, try to indulge them in your statements & you’ll see the difference.

The best methodology would be getting guidance from IELTS trained experts, their expertise will give you a leading hand which you might lack while self-preparation.

To recap, the IELTS exam is not to be taken seriously but sincerely. Prepare it well not only to get your desired bands but to improve your personality which you will carry with you in a different country while making a new start. Take this challenge & make the best usage of your time and efforts.

In order to know more, reach out to No.1 IELTS Coaching in Ahmedabad. Learn from experienced faculties & explore your endless opportunities.

Is IELTS Compulsory for Foreign Education?

This is a question that has haunted many a students for a very long time. Being in this business of Foreign Education for almost 17 years now, we have seen practically all the scenarios in which students get accepted or rejected for their student visas.

In all of our experience we have found one thing to be the gospel truth: IELTS score card is an extremely important document to attach in your visa application. While there are a few colleges that do waive off the IELTS requirement, one has to understand that this is a very rare possibility.

But the IELTS is not just a process to obtain a visa. IELTS is an examination that can help you in more ways than one. Regardless of whether you are planning to study abroad, work there or simply migrate for other reasons, IELTS is something that will help you understand exactly where you stand in terms of your language proficiency.

Studying for the IELTS

Essentially, the IELTS is an examination that tests your proficiency in English. By analyzing the scores of this exam, the immigration department basically understands whether you are proficient enough in English to study in their country or even to hold a job.

Please understand that you have to start looking at this examination as more than just an entrance. It is almost the only way you will be able to sustain yourself in a foreign country once you land there. We, as humans, rely on language for all our needs.

How can you hope to survive in a new land unless you can communicate and learn new things while explaining your own requirements, etc. This is why it is of utmost importance that you treat the IELTS exam very seriously and don’t look at it as a hurdle.

When you prepare for you IELTS, please make sure that you pay attention to all four aspects of getting proficient in the language including:

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Speaking
  • Listening

We have a dedicated blog on each one of these sections so take a look at those for further details.

Study Abroad

If you are planning to study abroad and get an undergraduate or a post graduate degree, you must take the Academic IELTS. In case, however, you are looking for short term programs that do not award a degree then you can also go for the General Training IELTS.

If you are going to a different country as a student, then you must keep in mind that you should aim for a high score because you will be undertaking the entire course in English. So, to understand the study material and the course syllabus, you will be required to know the language well.

Work Abroad

Being able to provide a proof of your language proficiency goes a long way in helping you get a visa to work abroad. Please understand that when you go to a new country and start working there, you will need to communicate with people in English. Unless you can prove that you will be able to do that fairly well, there is no point for anyone to give you a visa.

For this reason, make sure that you aim to get a good score. You have to have either ‘competent’ English or ‘vocational’ English language skills, which means it definitely has to be more than just basics.


If you are looking to apply for permanent residency or citizenship of a country, then the government authorities definitely look at your language proficiency. Language is a very important aspect of associating people with the land.

So, if you want to prove that you are worthy of being called the citizen of a new country, you have to first prove your competence in their language. IELTS test scores are a universally accepted result and helps governments establish how well you can integrate yourself with the new community and work environment.

Learning the right way

Now that you know how important IELTS is, it is also important for you to understand what the best way to learn for IELTS is. While it would be really nice to have a few short cuts up your sleeve, when it comes to language, which is such a practical aspect of our lives, it is hard to make adjustments.

You have to work quite hard to ensure that you can speak, write, read and comprehend the language with a certain degree of comfort.  Focus on the study material that we provide and seek our IELTS faculty for any assistance that you might need. If you put in your best efforts, you should clear the IELTS with flying colors.

IELTS Writing: Important Tips To Get You Extra Points!

Writing is perhaps the most difficult section of the IELTS examination. This is a section that truly tests your mettle with respect to the language. In order to make sure that you can score well in this section, you will have to put in a whole lot of effort and practice as much as you can.

But apart from all the sheer hard work, there are a few tips and tricks that can help you get a few extra points and prevent you from losing some.

Before we delve into the tips, it is important for you know that the objective of testing your writing prowess is to determine how well you understand the language and how comfortable you are with constructing sentences to make sense.

To achieve this, you have to continuously update your vocabulary. Now, evolving your vocabulary doesn’t necessarily mean using difficult and big words. However, you should have the exact word that denotes a particular sentiment or action.

Let us now, take a look at the tips:

Quality Resource

Unless you read good stuff there is no way that you can write good stuff. So, before you start practicing how to write you have to find quality content for reference and then keep reading it. Today is the day and age of the internet. You can easily find a host of different things easily by conducting a simple online search.

So, find for yourself a bunch of good articles and essays, red them understand them, identify the kind of approach that different writers have used and then try to implement it in your own writing. It might seem to be a little difficult initially but you will be just fine when you continue to do so for a while.

Understand the Rules

While the rules of the writing section are pretty simple and very clear it is easy to overlook them when you are in the flow of writing. To prevent this from happening make sure that you have a very clear idea of the rules before the paper itself.

For the most part, these are the basic guidelines:

  • The essay should be of minimum 250 words
  • There has to be a conclusion
  • The introduction should be roughly 40 words

Apart from this the basic rule is to ensure that you understand the tempo of the question.  Are they asking you your opinion or are they seeking for pros and cons? Make sure that you approach the question in the form that the question has been asked and is expected to be answered.

Practice test topics

You can find a host of different mock tests online. Take them up and start practicing how to write. The best way to go about it is to have a faculty who can not only provide you with the topic, but who can also time you and then correct your paper so that you know exactly where you stand.

Our team of IELTS coaches has some of the best and the most experienced minds in the industry. Feel free to reach out to us to undertake training or to appear for different mock tests when you like.

Describing data

This is probably something that can seem like an ominous feat but doesn’t have to be so. Describing graphs and pie charts is very intimidating if you don’t know how to do it. Of course, there are very simple ways of treating data such that writing them is not at all cumbersome.

At Rao Consultants, we have some of the most distinguished experts from the industry who give you their knowledge and tips on how you can interpret and write data in the best possible way so that you can score very well very easily.

Treat time with care

It is easy to lose track of time when you are writing. Especially if you aren’t comfortable with the language. But don’t worry. The only way you will ever start writing well within the given time is by taking mock tests.

Make it a habit to write at least 4 essays every day. Also, make sure that you follow the basic format of the essay. Once you get the hang of it, it should not be difficult for you to keep writing at all. The most important thing to do here is to read the question carefully. Read it twice. Make sure that you understand what the question attempts to know from you. IF you do that, there is no way that you will not succeed.

IELTS Listening Section: Top Tips

IELTS is a mandatory exam for which you must appear in case you are planning to migrate overseas. This exam has four basic sections:

  • Speaking
  • Reading
  • Listening
  • Writing

When someone is trying to test your knowledge of a language it is important that you have the basic understanding of all these 4 areas. This is why there are different bands given as score when you appear for the IELTS. Each band is representative of a category of students where you fall in, for example, are you outstanding in English with a superior fluency or do you have all the basic skills in the language but can’t call yourself a poet in that language.

We have already covered the sections pertaining to speaking and reading in the IELTS section, so, in this blog, we will try to focus on giving you some tips to increase your score in the Listening section of the IELTS examination.

Read all instructions carefully

This is probably something that everyone has been telling your right from day you appeared for your first examination in school. And yet, people falter in these basic and elementary instructions. Please note that it is entirely possible that you overlook some important points when attempting the paper. So, make sure that you give your instructions a thorough read.

Listen carefully

Well, it’s a listening test, so that is something that you have to do. Please note that the audio that you will be made to listen to will most likely be a dialogue between two people in a very common situation. So, look for phrases, catch words and other such highlights.

Also, give your question paper a quick look so that you know which section to pay attention to when you start appearing for the paper.

Write in rough

In the reading section, writing the answers in rough and then transferring them to the answer paper is a waste of time, however, when it comes to the listening section, that is exactly what you must do. When you are listening to the audio, you will probably not have enough time to pay attention to your handwriting and spelling mistakes.

So, make sure that when you are listening to the audio, jot down the answers in your question paper and then transfer them to the answer paper. Don’t worry; it should not be a problem, because you will have an additional 10 minutes to write your answer after the audio stops.

Check your grammar and spellings

You’ve all this way and answered correctly. It wouldn’t be nice if you lost out on points just because you wrote the wrong spelling or did not check the grammar. Remember, it is very important to read the answers correctly and answer only in the same way the questions have been asked.

When you note down your answers in rough, do not copy them word for word from the rough to the fair copy. Make sure that you check your grammar and take a look at the spelling that you have used. A good trick to do this is to learn the spellings of some common words. It is also a great way of increasing your vocabulary.

Get the right training

Many a time people feel that there is no need for specialized training for the listening section of the IELTS exam, but you could not be further away from the truth if you think so. There is a specific format in which questions are asked and in which you are expected to answer.

The more you practice under the right kind of guidance, the better it will be for you. This is why we suggest all our students to undertake as much practice as you can with our expert faculty. Understanding the system enables students to anticipate the answers and fare well with respect to scores.

What should you listen to?

As a rule of thumb, if you want to improve your language skills, you have to make sure that you listen to the language a lot. The best way to do that is to listen to music. Music sticks to the brain. If you like a particular tune, you will continue to hum it.

Now, in order to hum it right, you will have to memorize the lyrics or to find out what the singer is saying. This not only improves your grasp over the language but gives you a good idea about how the word is actually spoken and what it means.

If you have any other doubts or queries with respect to IELTS exams, feel free to contact us. We are always happy to assist aspiring students.

Tips to score high in the IELTS Reading Section

IELTS is one of the most important exams that you must appear for when you aim to study abroad. This is why you must make sure that you attempt to score as high as you possibly can. The Exam has 4 basic sections:

  • Speaking
  • Reading
  • Listening
  • Writing

In the previous blog, we gave a few pointers on how you can better your speaking skills. This one is aimed at helping you get your Reading skills better. Often, people assume that reading is the easiest of all the tasks. After all, the passage is right in front of you and you have to find answers from it. However, there is a little catch to this. Reading is not something that you have to undertake at leisure.

It is a difficult task when you have to look for exact answers from a limited paragraph within a stipulated time. If not done correctly you may end up losing out on crucial points. Before we get down to the tips on how you can get a higher score, let us look at the different types of questions that you will get in the reading section:

  • Matching tasks
  • Gap filling tasks
  • Classification tasks
  • Short-answer questions
  • Multiple choice questions
  • Sentence completion tasks
  • True/false/not given questions
  • Chart, table or diagram completion tasks

Let us now examine the different ways in which you can score higher.

Be mindful of time

Time is the scantiest resource while attempting the IELTS examination. There’s a lot of information that you have available and very little time for you to actually be able to read the whole passage and then answer everything.

The best way to go about this is to make sure that you don’t start reading with a blank mind. The first step is to understand the questions that are being asked and then start reading. When you do that, you will be able to look for answers when you start reading.

While in theory, it sounds easy, this might take some getting used to. Our faculty has been handling IELTS coaching for a very long time now and they would be in the perfect position to give you some mock practice tests so that you can get your grip on this method of answering.

Scan and Skim

It is good to be able to read the whole thing in totality, but what’s even better is to be able to skim through the document and scan the potential answers without having to spend a lot of time in trying to analyze and read the entire paragraph.

Do not waste time in reading every word that is there in the paragraph. Start reading the major words in the sentence and derive a general sense of what is being said. That will allow you to locate your information quickly.

Practice reading faster

Reading takes longer than usual if you are unfamiliar with different words. This is why it is a must that you practice reading on a daily basis. Dedicate a couple of hours each day towards reading. This will increase your vocabulary and also your reading speed.

Cozy up with a nice book that you find interesting and get cracking. While reading your choice of books as well, try to scan a few pages so that you know if you are understanding the subject matter when you scan the content or not.

Don’t panic

We hate to see students get all worried about the reading sections just because they don’t understand a word or two. There is absolutely no reason to panic. Try to derive the meaning of the sentence by understanding the context of the sentence preceding it and following it.

In a paragraph, no word is going to be treated in an isolated sense. This is why if you can grasp the general feel of what is being said, it should not be difficult for you to understand the context and the meaning of the word.

Some difficult words are in fact a different form of a root word. Try breaking the word up and seeing if it makes any sense. If not, just rely on the context. That should be enough.

On the whole

The practice is the only way that you can increase your speed of reading as well as an understanding of the subject matter. Make sure that you practice regularly so that you can continue to grow. Even though your objective is to score the maximum in IELTS, reading is a practice that will help you grow as an individual as well.