What to Do If My Visitor Visa is Rejected?

Rejection of any kind can be very heart-breaking and demotivating. Having your application for a visitor visa turned down can be awful and upsetting. There is still hope, though. If you are a candidate who got his visitor visa rejected, this blog is best to learn what to do if your visitor visa is turned down. It will also help you get through this tough time by giving you useful tips and information.

Understanding Visitor Visa Rejection

There are many reasons a visitor visa could be turned down, such as, but not limited to:

  • It wasn’t clear why the trip was made.
  • Not enough personal wealth in the home country
  • Not enough or too little evidence to support the case
  • Because the applicant’s job situation is unstable,
  • The difference between the length of stay and the amount of the fund
  • If there are strong family links, an individual application may be turned down.
  • A lack of trip records
  • Not having enough proof that the person is a permanent resident or citizen of the country
  • Any past overstaying in the country
  • Not having the right papers in their home country
  • One or more other reasons

How to Understand the Rules for a Visitor Visa

The Procedure for getting a Temporary Resident Visa (TRV) is very thorough, and it usually takes between two weeks and four months. A lot of people get turned down for it, and that number can go up even more if you apply on your own.

The process of applying for a Temporary Resident Visa can be hard. It can be hard to make sure that all the necessary paperwork is included with the application because so much personal, family, and work information is asked for.

For people applying for a Visitor Visa Process, there is no official interview that must be done in person. The immigration officer will make a choice based on the documents that were attached to the application and how available and complete they were. Your chances of getting a visitor visa can go up a lot if you have an experienced consultant for your application review on your side.

Reapplying Visa Process

As far as the rejection on a visitor visa is concerned, here are some solutions that you can look for as per your profile or rejection.

Asking for a Reconsideration

The refusal of a visa is not final. If your application was turned down, you could ask the immigration office to look it over again by saying that the information they had was wrong or missing.

Do make sure that you include all of the necessary supporting documents and important information in your answer. Talking to an experienced and skilled immigration lawyer will help you come up with a strong answer.

Putting In a New Application

You can also think about submitting a new application if you can show that your reasons are valid this time. You will be able to send in more information to support your new application if anything changes in your daily life.

Looking over your visa application that was turned down will help you figure out how to make the reasons for the refusal stronger so that is accepted on the second go. If you didn’t include enough proof of your financial details in India in your first application, make sure that the new one includes enough information about both the old and new details.

To Conclude,

We, at Rao Consultants, understand what happens when a visitor visa faces rejection and we have come across various cases where have been misled, had missing information, or in general, was not correctly filled in.

With 20+ years of experience in the immigration industry, we strive to provide you only with what suits your profile when it comes to visitor visas. Even if your application is rejected once, we can help you pass through that via solutions as per your rejection reasons.

Our experts have the correct knowledge that can help you get your visitor visa without any hassle and you can seamlessly plan your journey to visit a foreign land for any reason.

Are you looking for a visitor visa without any hassle?

Book a consultation with us today!

Why Do So Many People Want to Move to Canada?

In Today’s entire wave of cutthroat competition and a knack for financial status, everyone is looking to settle down at a place where they can be satisfied financially, emotionally, and physically. In this scenario, Canada has become a popular destination for people to immigrate to Canada from India. Canada is known for its breathtaking landscapes, diversified culture, and high quality of life, making it the best nation to migrate to. But the real question that comes to our mind is what is it about this North American country that makes it so appealing and interesting for people to chase for a Canadian PR?

If you reading this blog, and are looking for the actual reasons why people settle in Canada from India, then we are about to give you all of them in this blog. So, Let’s dig in!

Immigrate to Canada from India- The Reasons!

Canada boasts a long-standing tradition of immigration that spans decades. A diverse culturalism is the basis of Canadian national identity and this is closely linked to immigration. It is not only true in the past but also applies to the future. According to forecasts, over the next few years, Canada will receive more than 100,000 immigrants from India every year. By 2025, it is expected that Canada will be receiving almost 500,000 migrants which could be the highest number of people applying for Canadian Citizenship Visa in one year ever.

  • Employment Opportunities

Canada has always faced employment and labor issues, which only increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. The unemployment faced by the country is very low. On the contrary, employment opportunities have reached their peak, with Canada recently publishing nearly a million vacant positions. Additionally, data suggests that companies are jumping to fill job openings and are re porting increasing labour shortages. The country is known for its stable job market, competitive wages, and work-life balance, making it the best option for people to Migrate to Canada who are seeking for career advancement.

  • High-Quality Education

Canada has been voted the world’s most educated country around the globe. With around 56% of the population having pursued some type of postsecondary education, the country has become a beacon for education. Canada has provided various free public schools and colleges and a compulsory schooling legislation to ensure that all citizens with a Canadian citizen visa have access to basic education. Additionally, Canada presses more on advanced education opportunities than other countries, making it a hot destination for students who want to study abroad. The students who have gone to study in Canada may also be able to apply for a Canada PR Visa.

  • Best Healthcare Facilities

One of the best reasons that makes people move to Canada, is Canada’s best healthcare system. The national health insurance system in Canada ensures that nobody- even a non-resident of the country will be denied medical facilities due to its cost. Unlike other nations, Canada provides a comparatively affordable healthcare service that won’t be heavy on your pockets. Each province and territory has a particular health plan that includes a variety of products and services. People who move to Canada can enroll in their respective province’s health insurance plans and receive a health card. The majority of the citizens are not required to pay for most medical and emergency treatments under the Canadian Public Healthcare System.

  • Diverse Culture and Population

Canada is well known for its multiculturalism, commitment to diversity, a sense of belonging. The country takes pride in being a melting pot of various cultures, languages, and customs, as it welcomes different immigrants and refugees. This results in a lively and inclusive society in which people of all origins may thrive. Canada enacted the Canadian Multiculturalism Act in 1988. It was one of the world’s first laws to formalize the federal government’s commitment to catering to a diverse society. A previous research done by Statistics Canada discovered that the majority of immigrants experience a sense of belonging in the country.

  • Security and Safety

Canada has a substantially steeper crime rate than most of the other countries throughout the world. It also has far lower rates of gun violence than the United States of America. Canada typically performs the best in international polls of safety, progress, and quality of life. The Global Peace Index consistently ranks Canada as one of the top ten safest countries in the world. According to recent statistics, Canada ranks second on the list of the safest countries for LGBTQ immigrants.

  • Stable and Secure Political System

Canada’s political scenario is quite stable, and democracy is highly valued by the citizens who hold a Canada PR. In the year 2022, Canada was rated fifth on the Economist Intelligence Unit’s global democracy ranking, ahead of other countries. Canada’s leaders are democratically chosen, and there is minimal political instability in the country. If Canadians are unsatisfied with their government, they can peacefully demonstrate and push for change, or they can vote for a new party in the next election.

  • Prosperous Economy

Canada is regarded as one of the most economically stable nations in the world. While many nations have faced long-term economic consequences from the COVID-19 pandemic, Canada has recovered strongly from the same. By the conclusion of the last quarter of 2022, Canada’s economy has grown at a 6.7% rate, surpassing its pre-pandemic level. As there are a lot of employment opportunities provided in the country, the economy is welcoming a vast array of immigrants across the globe. With higher-than-ever immigration goals and objectives and a thriving economy, potential immigrants who want to move to Canada are well-positioned to succeed in Canada.

So, Are you ready to Settle in Canada from India?

To summarize, Canada’s allure as an immigration destination is diverse, including aspects such as quality of life, cultural diversity, economic prosperity, and scenic beauty. With its inclusive culture, and other opportunities Canada continues to draw people from all over the world to opt for a Canadian Citizen Visa for a better and bright future. Whether it’s the prospect of a fresh start, job progress, or the opportunity to experience and explore, Canada’s attraction as a hospitable country is apparent.

Are you looking to Immigrate to Canada from India?

We are sure that this question is asked by various people out there. But at Rao Consultants, we ask this question a thousand times to motivate everyone who is looking to settle in Canada from India. Our expertise is proven to be the results we have provided over the last 2 decades – by successfully getting Canadian PR visas for several people in India. We take pride in being one of the fewest consultants in Gujarat who are IRCC and CICC authorized. With a lot of options to enter Canada for Immigration, our team of experts caters to all your needs and questions with ease. So, if you are looking to Move to Canada, team Rao is all here for you.

Connect with us for a free consultation now!

Unlocking the Potential: Immigrant Children’s Educational and Work Success in Canada

It is not a piece of old news that, Canada has been home to various immigrants and is inviting more every passing year. Canada is known for its welcoming environment for people who are looking for a better standard of living, educational & health facilities, and many other benefits. Recently a study has found out that. According to a study that was conducted not too long ago by Statistics Canada. Newcomer Immigrant children in Canada have superior academic and professional outcomes. Simply said, newcomers who arrived in the country while they were youngsters have a greater likelihood of pursuing higher education and having better economic outcomes than those who arrived later than that. As a matter of fact, by the age of 25, this particular group of newcomers reported significantly greater wages than any other group of Canadian taxpayers.

Educational Options for Immigrant Children

  • Canada provides free public education to all people, including immigrant children, ensuring equitable educational opportunities.
  • Immigrant children benefit from multicultural programs and support services in schools, which assist them to assimilate into the Canadian educational system.
  • Children who speak languages other than English or French can benefit from bilingual education, which makes the transition easier.

Support Networks and Mentorship

  • Community organizations, immigrant settlement agencies, and mentorship programs help immigrant families and children navigate the educational system.
  • Peer support groups and cultural associations allow immigrant children to connect with people who have had similar experiences and problems.

Looking at data from the Longitudinal Immigrant Database, an important data model that tracks long-term data on immigrants who come to Canada, researchers discovered a link between how quickly a newcomer was admitted to Canada and their likelihood of pursuing post-secondary education.

For example, around 77.3% of immigrants who arrived in Canada at the age of four completed postsecondary education by the age of twenty. The findings were consistent with those who Settled in Canada between the ages of 5 and 9, with 69.9% participating in postsecondary education, and those who settled in Canada between the ages of 10 and 14, with 61.3% participating.

In comparison, only 59.9% of all Canadian tax filers completed post-secondary education by the age of 20. This means that newcomer cohorts participated in postsecondary education at a considerably higher rate than all Canadians.

The findings were consistent with the economic outcomes of newcomers based on how young they were accepted to Canada. Newcomer tax filers who were accepted to Canada reported greater salaries than the average of all Canadian tax filers their age.

However, this result was delayed due to the average age of tax filers. For example, immigrants admitted to Canada as children earned lower median wages than all other Canadian taxpayers between the ages of 18 and 24.

However, beyond the age of 25, the median earnings of this newcomer cohort equalled or exceeded the median pay of all Canadian tax filers in a comparable age category.

By the age of 30, newcomers admitted to Canada as youngsters earned a median pay 17.6% higher than all other Canadian tax filers of the same age. The results are as follows:

What Exactly is The Outcome?

Immigrant Canadian children had superior academic and employment prospects. The findings of this study appear to imply that newcomers who arrive in Canada at a young age have a beneficial impact on both higher education participation and labour market results, with a greater benefit for those who arrive earlier. The study also implies that newcomers accepted to Canada sooner have better outcomes than not only those who enter later but also the Canadian population as a whole. The study does not provide causes for this phenomenon, and more research is needed to explain how these results came about.

This data adds to existing work that demonstrates a positive relationship between immigrants’ youth at the time of admission to Canada and successful economic outcomes in the country—in the short, medium, and long run.

Furthermore, additional research has found that the beneficial association between how quickly an immigrant arrives in Canada and their earnings grows over time. This is also reflected in the CRS’s age-weighted scoring system, with younger arrivals benefiting from their youth.

To Finally Conclude!

Canada has always been ahead in providing new opportunities to those who seek success and solace at the same time. The country is known for its vigour to provide the best possible facilities to newcomers and make sure that they get everything they wish for. That is exactly what we at Rao Consultants want for you. A dream that can be easily fulfilled by our expert guidance and 2 decades of experience.

Are you looking to settle in Canada?

Connect with Rao Consultants now!

Don’t Let a Low CRS Score Stop Your Canadian Immigration Dreams: A Guide to Navigating Express Entry

Thinking about making Canada your new home? The Express Entry system offers a fast track to permanent residency for skilled workers. But a key factor influencing your success: your Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score.

A higher CRS score means a better shot at receiving an Invitation to Apply (ITA) for permanent residency. Recently, general Express Entry draws demanded scores above 500, creating stiff competition. But fear not, even with a lower CRS score, there are ways to navigate the pool and increase your chances!

Understanding Express Entry:

Express Entry manages three immigration programs:

  • Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP)
  • Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP)
  • Canadian Experience Class (CEC)

If you’re interested, you’ll need to assess your eligibility and create an Express Entry profile to get your CRS score.

Working with Different CRS Score Scenarios:

Express Entry draws set minimum CRS scores for receiving an ITA. These scores vary depending on the draw type:

  • General draws: Typically have higher CRS requirements.
  • Category-based draws: Target specific needs (e.g., healthcare) and often have lower CRS cut-offs (ranging from 336 to 437 in 2024).

So, while general draws might seem out of reach now, category-based draws offer an opportunity! In fact, over 16,000 candidates with lower CRS scores received ITAs through these draws in 2023.

Boosting Your CRS Score:

Here are some ways to improve your CRS score while you wait for a draw:

  • Language Skills: Brush up on your English or French with IRCC-approved language tests.
  • Education: Consider pursuing additional studies. A post-secondary degree, especially one exceeding three years, can significantly boost your score.
  • Age: The earlier you apply, the better. Younger candidates receive more points for age.

Provincial Nominations: A Game Changer:

Securing a provincial nomination can dramatically increase your CRS score by a whopping 600 points, practically guaranteeing an ITA. Explore various Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs) tailored to specific occupations or regional needs.

Understanding Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs):

PNPs allow provinces to nominate candidates who can contribute to their local economies. Each province has unique streams targeting specific skills or professions. While a nomination doesn’t guarantee permanent residency, it significantly strengthens your profile in the eyes of IRCC.

The Takeaway: Strategic Planning is Key

A low CRS score shouldn’t be a deal breaker. With strategic planning and perseverance, you can still achieve your Canadian immigration goals! Here’s how:

  • Focus on language skills and education to improve your CRS score.
  • Explore provincial nomination opportunities that align with your skills and experience.

By taking these steps, you can enhance your profile, increase your CRS score, and get one step closer to making Canada your new home. So don’t wait, start planning your journey today!


Rao Consultants is a leading immigration consultancy firm with over 20 years of experience helping individuals navigate the complexities of Express Entry and Canadian immigration. We offer comprehensive support throughout the entire process, including CRS score optimization, language test preparation, and provincial nomination guidance. Contact Rao Consultants today for a free assessment and let us help you turn your Canadian immigration dreams into reality.

Rising North: Canada’s Immigration Elevator – Up, Down, or Hold?

After assuming the role of Canada’s new Minister overseeing Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), Marc Miller has communicated his initial public statements by engaging in conversations with Red FM Canada, CBC Radio Canada, and Bloomberg News.

These discussions provide us with insights into his perspective concerning important aspects of the Canadian immigration landscape.

Regarding the current levels of immigration and the benefits of increased migration to Canada, Minister Miller has expressed his belief in immigration’s significance in addressing labour shortages across various sectors in Canada, including industries like agriculture and healthcare.

Miller emphasizes that immigration plays a vital role in the process of “developing [Canada], enhancing its quality, and ensuring the prosperity of its economy.”

Expanding on the significance of immigration for the nation, Miller underscores that immigration serves as a strategy for Canada to address the challenges posed by its aging native population. Consequently, the IRCC’s strategy involves maintaining the current immigration levels or potentially increasing them progressively.

According to Miller, the prospect of reducing immigration targets is not something he envisions, given the substantial demand. He acknowledges that while a potential adjustment upward is under consideration, the notion of lowering the targets is not within the scope of his outlook.

The Status of Economic Immigration and Express Entry

Canada’s emphasis on economic immigration remains unwavering and will continue as a priority. Highlighting that approximately 60% of the nation’s immigration currently falls under the “economically directed” category, the newly appointed Minister of Immigration in Canada has made it clear that the IRCC’s intention is to maintain this proportion.

Simultaneously, Miller acknowledges that the processing times for economic immigrants throughout Canada have not met the IRCC’s desired standards. He mentions that the government is actively working to streamline these processing times in the future.

Regarding Express Entry and, more specifically, the new category-based draws implemented by the IRCC, Miller notes that the federal government is committed to swiftly bringing in skilled immigrants who are needed in critical trades across the country.

Addressing International Student Fraud

In light of the recent national spotlight on cases of international student fraud, including a situation affecting around 700 international students across Canada, the IRCC recognizes the necessity of addressing this issue head-on.

Miller comprehends that the current visa process for international students in Canada has led to “integrity challenges,” causing significant distress for those seeking higher education opportunities in the country. International students, according to Miller, are sometimes given “misleading hope,” resulting in their inability to pursue their aspirations within Canada.

Consequently, the IRCC recognizes the need to enhance protection for international students arriving in Canada, ensuring that fraudulent individuals cannot exploit those who are seeking a better life through Canadian education.

Dispelling the Link Between Housing Challenges and Immigration

According to Miller, attributing housing supply challenges across Canada solely to immigration is inaccurate. Therefore, Miller takes issue with the common assertion that immigrants are solely responsible for housing shortages and inflated housing costs.

In reality, Miller contends that this issue is far more intricate. He argues that the dramatic increase in home equity values or housing costs has minimal correlation with immigration.

In fact, Miller challenges the connection between housing supply problems and immigration by underscoring that immigration itself could hold the solutions to some of Canada’s most pressing issues, including housing supply.

“If Canadians want accessible healthcare, dental care, and affordable housing, the most effective approach is to welcome skilled labour to the country.”

The Future of Immigration in Canada

In an effort to instil confidence in both Canadians and incoming immigrants, Miller reiterates his commitment to fairness and compassion as Canada’s new Minister of Immigration.

The IRCC acknowledges the imperfections within Canada’s immigration system, particularly in relation to recognizing foreign credentials. Miller recognizes the unfairness of requiring incoming immigrants to relinquish the hard-earned skills and experience gained in their professions from their home countries.

Miller emphasizes the importance of open discussions between Canada’s federal government and its provinces and territories to properly regulate professions in the country, given that immigration remains integral to Canada’s past, present, and future.

“I am here to contribute to a government that values openness, fairness, and compassion in our immigration system. This system shapes the future of the country and its identity, and I am proud to be a part of it.”

Opportunities to Study, Work And Settle In Canada

Canada has always been the top choice when it comes to education and employment for Indian students. The Canadian government has announced several reforms in support of International students who recently graduated from Canadian institutions. In major improvements in Post-Graduation Work Permit Program (PGWP) and dependent visas, made Canada an even more popular destination. If you are planning to study and settle in Canada, here is the right time to go with your decision.

Attractive package to international students:

With global gratitude and status, Canada is the first choice for employment. Students can secure a post-graduation work permit (PGWP) which allows them to stay back and work in Canada. Canada’s immigrant welcoming atmosphere has been attested to be a boon for immigrants who want to stay in the country and increase Canadian work experience. Moreover, a dependent visa allows you to live along with your family in Canada.

Pathway to Canada PR:

The PGWP has become a prominent and most-popular program among international students due to certainly associated merits. Different from other countries, international graduates in Canada can obtain plenty of time to halt and work in the country. Here are several of the motives why Canada’s PGWP program is the top choice for you:

  • A PGWP allowing you for any period between eight months and three years to full-time work and stay anywhere in Canada.
  • The post-graduation work permit will be almost the same duration as the applicant’s period of study, up to a maximum of three years.
  • A PGWP candidate can be exempted from the Labor Market Impact Assessments (LMIA).
  • An open work permit PGWP allowing you to work for any Canadian firm without a job offer.
  • PGWP backings permanent immigration to Canada as the experience you gain will consider in a future application for Canada PR through several immigration pathways.
  • International students can do 100% of online studies and still catch PGWP.
  • Spouses and common-law partners of applicants with a PGWP may be entitled to an open work permit under the C41 exemption.

Study in Canada with your Spouse and Kids!

International students learning in Canada who are married or have dependent kids may bring family members with them to Canada during their study program. Spouse will be eligible to apply for a spousal full-time open work permit, if you approved for a study permit in Canada. All kids are eligible to follow schooling or secondary level of education if anyone of their parents is approved to study in Canada.

Benefits for Dependent Children:

  • Dependent kids will have admission to free education at the straightforward and secondary levels.
  • You can open a savings account for your kid’s ongoing schooling
  • Tax-free monthly assistance contribution with the overhead of raising children
  • Kid healthcare aids
  • Your kids with debilities acquire distinctive benefits
  • Training opportunities include paid scholastic leave, apprenticeships and specialized training, coaching compensation, etc.

Highest Opportunities to Canada PR:

The IRCC identifies the deep pool of endowed personnel who are already employed in Canada and wants them to become Canadian permanent residents. IRCC invited maximum CEC candidates in the recent draws held in February 2021. If you meet the basic eligibility criteria for the CEC, IRCC will invite you to apply for permanent residence.

Special Benefits to CEC Candidates:

  • Canadian Experience Class applicants are not required to demonstrate evidence of funds.
  • One year of experience in Canada is a highly-valued element under the CRS, subsequently improves candidate’s chances to Canadian PR
  • Canadian Experience Class applications are treated swiftly because the required documentation is minimal

Amazing Advantages to Work in Canada:

  • Canada offers the premier minimum wages which range from $10.50 – $13.00 subject to the province.
  • The standard hours of work are 40 in a week, the maximum number of working hours is 48 in a week
  • Any hours worked more than the average hours of work are measured as overtime hours
  • Overtime pay at a rate of a minimum of 1.5 times the regular hourly wages
  • Overseas employees have access to the highly-subsidized healthcare system covered with dependents.
  • You can earn reimbursement if you have lost your employment and if you are ready to work but do not catch any jobs.
  • Maternal and paternal benefits of leave
  • A minimum of two weeks of holidays for every year of service
  • Training opportunities with paid educational leave, apprenticeships, and specialized training.

Legal Benefits:

  • Employment Insurance (EI) for both  
  • Canada Pension Plan (CPP)
  • Workplace Insurance coverage

Other Benefits in Canada:

  • Paid vacation and paid leave, as well as maternal leave and parental leave to workers.
  • Strong fiscal systems and banking networks helps citizens in a friendly way.
  • Responsible and transparent public funding structure that offers more economic independence.
  • Keeps you updated and adapted to the technologies being a country with progressive development and innovations.
  • Canada is one of the uppermost nations in the world offering a great lifestyle and atmosphere.
  • A safe, secure, and satisfactory living environment
  • Affordable cost of living among the diversity in the population

Conditional Benefits:

  • Promotional gym memberships
  • Matches with rewarding awards
  • Comprehensive health benefits
  • Transport allowances
  • A work vehicle
  • Free childcare
  • Flexible working hours
  • A mobile phone and mobile service plan
  • Annual holiday parties
  • Annual monetary bonuses
  • RRSP matching
  • Extra educational opportunities

Pension for Employees:

  • The Canada Pension Plan (CPP) is an enforced and contributing savings strategy for all working Canadians. Personnel can have access to the income from CPP from as early as 60 years or can defer it up to the age of 70.


Study and settle in Canada is the dream of numerous international students, as one of the most peaceful, rich and citizen-friendly countries in the world. International students can obtain a fresh Post-Graduation Work Permit under a new public policy and subsequently apply for Canada PR. Not only that but, you can also take your spouse and kids under a dependent visa while studying. All in all, Canada wants you to settle in the country now and forever!

We are Always Open to Help You!

We are always open to help you with the latest information regarding the study and settle in Canada. Over 19 years, we provide our level best services for you with all the new happenings regarding visas, immigration, tours, and job possibilities. Please feel free to can contact us for any further assistance.

While US Closes Borders, Canada Welcomes Immigrants!

While the COVID-19 crisis continued to escalate globally, with US leading the way in shutting borders to immigrants, Canada continued the positive trend of inviting high potential immigrants.

Donald Trump’s promise on Twitter found fruition as on 23rd April, 11:59 pm he signed an Executive Order to suspend the processing of permanent resident applications for those outside the US for 60 days. While this contains some exemptions, this is the first time Trump has actually followed through on his anti-immigrant rhetoric. Political pundits have been unified in their opinion that this is more of a political move keeping in mind the upcoming US presidential elections, than a preventive measure to stop the spread of the coronavirus.

For starters it is important to note that Canada’s per capita immigration intake is 3 times that of the US. With a population of 38 million, Canada still welcomes 3,40,000 immigrants every year, while the US with a population of around 330 million welcomes 1.1 million immigrants every year. The difference however is in the type of immigrants. Immigrants to the US are largely under the family class, nearly 70%, while for Canada 60% of the immigrants are under the economic class. It is this differentiation which is crucial for anyone seeking to live abroad.

Despite the special measures put in after the coronavirus crisis, Canada is still allowing exempt immigrants, international students, and temporary foreign workers. The country’s strong commitment to inviting and welcoming immigrants has been proven in these tough times.

Canada Continues to Invite Immigrants

On March 12, while Trump was contemplating shutting the US borders, Canada unveiled their 2020-2022 immigration plans, and they bode well!

Canada is set to welcome over a million new permanent residents in the next 3 years. As the maple leaf country continues to steadily increase their intake, they are giving the stakeholders enough time to process and come to terms with the new normal.

Canada welcomed 3,20,000 immigrants in 2018, 3,41,000 immigrants in 2019, and have the target of 3,41,000 in 2020 as well. This will be increased to 3,51,000 in 2021, and further increased to 3,61,000 in 2022. The latest plan unveiled by the Canadian Government makes room to increase the 2022 intake to 3,90,000.

Canada needs immigrants, despite the pandemic affecting the planet, they realize they are battling with a rapidly aging population. These plans put in place are keeping in mind the near future and are widely considered to be highly proactive in nature.

Unlike the US states, Canadian provinces have a lot more power over their own immigration laws. This plays a huge role in determining their overall immigration numbers.

Canada Welcomes the Economic Class

Canada has always made it a priority to balance the intake of immigrants. A large percentage of whom will be coming under the economic class. Nearly 58% of all immigrants are set to arrive in Canada through the Express Entry Programs, the Provincial Nominee Programs and Quebec’s programs. Moreover, other federal intake streams like the Atlantic Immigration Pilot too continue to feed this stream.

One thing is certain though, the economic class will continue to lead the way in terms of numbers for Canada’s immigration plans. Which is why they have planned a steady year-on-year increase of 10,000 immigrants.

Over and above that, the Canadian government is also planning on increasing the number of the PNP admission targets by up to 20% in 2022. Along with this, the Canadian government has identified certain sectors that are in dire need of skilled manpower. With this in mind it is aiming to invite 5,200 more immigrants under different pilot schemes like the Agri-Food Immigration Pilot and the Rural and the Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot. Chances are bright that the numbers for these pilots may also double by 2022. The Canadian federal government is also waiting to consult with Quebec with regards to the major reforms they are undertaking for their immigration system.

Why Canada is Still Inviting Immigrants

Much like countries around the world, the economy of Canada is also set to contract in 2020. The question then arises, why is immigrant so crucial to Canada?

There is an argument to be made that increased immigration is not ideal since the newcomers will be coming to the country at a time when there would be fewer jobs to absorb them. This, however, would be a mistaken assumption.

Canada’s immigration policies have historically been highly proactive. Ever since the late 1980s, the choice of the Canadian government to invite immigrants has not been dependent upon the economic conditions on ground. The immigration policies that have been set out help fill the immediate vacancies and are also designed to strengthen the country’s economic standing. Even if the new immigrants are coming at a time when the economy is facing a downturn, the Canadian government believes that they will be the catalyst to spur a growth in the country’s economy in the future.

9 million of Canada’s population, known as the baby boomers, will reach retirement age by the end of this decade. With its already low birth rate, Canada relies on immigration to drive the growth of its labour force.

Canada – A Brighter Future

While the world reels under the catastrophic humanitarian and economical blowback of the coronavirus pandemic, immigration aspirants still have cause to cheer.

Canada’s robust economy has been planning in advance. While conventional wisdom may suggest that landing in Canada at such a time may result in a lot of difficulties, it has to be weighed against the difficulties being faced globally.

Canada’s free healthcare, high standards of education, and strong economy are not the only reasons for you to be looking to immigrate there. It is the one country that is looking at increasing inclusivity and planning for the future. As the aged population of the country retires from jobs, and new jobs continue to be created, a country the size of Canada, is always going to need highly skilled manpower.

It is the immigrants that hold the key to the future of the Canada. And the flipside is that Canada holds the key to the future of all of these immigrants. As manpower numbers decline, Canadian companies will start wooing talent with better packages and perks. With this information in mind, it is a perfect time to be applying for a Canadian PR. For anyone with foresight, and the desire to carve an international career, Canada is the place to be.

The USA Or Canada; Which Has More To Offer?

The USA, the largest economy, the country with over 50 states of North America,a global finance & culture body & most influential in the architecture on the west coast, the land of Hollywood & home of renowned universities is actually losing on the sight of International students & their contribution to its diverse economy.

With the current scenario, the US government launching multiple presidential campaigns to overlook the foreign skilled workers, students but doesn’t emphasizing reforms to employment-based Immigration.

Canada is a big competition or best would be considering ‘Canada a winner of the hour’ in terms of developing its economy by inviting immigrants around the world. The focus is on Economic Immigration.

The total number of international students in the United States was 1,095,299 till now, which is a 0.5 percent increase over the last year. On the contrary, in numbers, Canada gave visa permits to over 4, 00,000 foreign students & legal immigration status to over 3, 60,000 from a different countries in 2019, which makes it around 6.5 lacks in total.

Undeniably, the USA has plenty to support foreign students with high average incomes after studies, a relatively young population, high on technological innovation & opportunities. The underlying reason behind the US being defeated by Canada is clear, the US makes it more difficult for skilled workers to renew their temporary work requests, also known as H-1B, that leads to land up choosing Canada, an alternative Immigrate. Hence, Canada gets the goal.

Canada has exponentially grown with its rate of enrolling international students whereas the U.S declined on the same since the recent changes in government policy.

According to the sources, employment-based immigration might get relaxed, as the US election 2020 is approaching, which has potential presidential candidates.

The U.S Context runs in stark contrast to Canada’s on a per-capita basis, Canada is welcoming triple immigrants as the U.S. Unlike in the U.S., the majority of Canada’s immigrants arrived under the economic class through over 80 different immigration streams. U.S gives priority to immigration Candidates who have family relatives staying in the states, which is again a threat to skilled people looking for an opportunity in the U.S.

Border control is the difference between these two countries. The debate and policies on U.S immigration are informed by the fact the country has historically seen flows of irregular migration from its southern frontier. In the absence of substantial and sustained irregular migration, Canada is now able to welcome about one million immigrants with Canada PR in the year within 2020-21 & foreign students.

The U.S facing humanitarian issues, Canada might lead & be the forefront of the global race of talent.

In order, to know more about foreign education in the USA or Canada, reach out to the best visa consultants in Ahmedabad. Experience with the consultants having a 95% success ratio.

How Can An Indian Settle Abroad?

Having spent most of your life in India, it becomes very difficult for anyone to adopt the life and culture of a completely new country all at once. While this process does take time, it doesn’t have to be a painful one. Here’s a list of 7 tips on how you can effectively settle in a new country easily.

Be Accepting

The biggest different between our country and others around the world is the cultural backdrop. We are often so focussed on thinking about the more important things like finding a job, getting the money, finding a house, etc. and we lose track of things that you will have to deal with on a daily basis.

You will have to interact with the locals and accept their traditions and culture. Just as you would like a house guest to come and follow the rules of your house, it is important for you to follow the cultural and national norms of the new nation.

This will help you gel in seamlessly with the people there. You don’t want to unknowingly and unintentionally offend anyone when you go there. It is wise to read up a little about what kind of a cultural setting are you stepping into. It is also very important for you to keep an open mind in whatever you do.

Plan it all down

While you might be sitting with your family and making lofty plans about how you are going to go about your move and how you will settle down there, unless you write it all down in black and white it is a wasted exercise. It is very important that you make a step by step plan for your move.

Please understand that you are moving your entire life somewhere else and that is no mean feat. It is a herculean task which requires a lot of planning, effort and execution. So, make sure that you write everything down and follow it to the letter T.

Get involved in a community

You won’t really be doing anyone any favours by keeping to yourself. Step out of your homes and find out how you can get involved in the community. In foreign country people give a lot of importance to the notion of a community and how people can contribute towards it.

Whether it is taking part in the neighbourhood watch or participating in the society pot lucks, you have to take the initiative to become a part of these activities and build a circle of friends. It will not only help you make new friends, but will also give your family and your household a respect in the neighbourhood.


Just because you have moved in to a particular city doesn’t mean that you don’t travel up and about. You have gotten the chance to settle in a new country. Don’t miss out on all the wonderful touristy things that you can explore while you are there.  Make a list of all the places that you’d like to travel to and see.

The more you visit these places, the more you will be filled with the wonder and joy that the new country has to offer. It will help you appreciate the opportunity that you have gotten in your life and you will certainly make the most of it.

Plan your logistics

Clearly, moving your life to a new country involves a lot of logistics in terms of all the things that you want taken from here to there. Make sure that you don’t spend on moving your furniture from here to there. You can buy it there as well. Focus on only taking essentials from here. You don’t want to end up paying too much on transportation because you can always look for thrifty finds in your new country.

The most important thing that you must do when you move out of your country is to accept the new one with open arms. Enjoy the whole process and accept each day as it comes. If you need any assistance regarding any information on rules and regulations, do not hesitate to speak to us about it. All the best!

Family Based Immigrant Visa

An immigration visa is a document that allows an individual to start a life in another country, work there and raise a family. An immigration visa involves a variety of procedures, including filing various applications, showing the right intent as well as going through rounds of exhaustive interviews. An immigration visa, or immigrant visa, is granted as a proof of that individual’s legal citizenship to a country of his or her choice. This process requires the submission of an array of documents and preparation for interviews. It requires a professional hand to deal with the number of applications required and to ensure that they are not rejected.

Permanent Residency Visa
Each country follows a different set of norms when it comes to granting permanent residency to applicants. This type of visa grants the status of a permanent resident to the individual making it possible for them to make the most of the benefits granted to permanent citizens in that country. The norms and laws around this visa change with time and the evolving global situations, making it almost impossible for a lay individual to keep track of them.

Family-Based Immigrant Visa
This form of a visa allows a family member of an individual settled abroad to claim their immigrant rights. This type of visa is available to direct family members or, in the cases of some countries, to specific distant relationships and family members. This people who can make the most of this type of visa’s are spouses, unmarried children, adopted children, etc. who have a legal permanent resident vouching for them. These type of visas take time and once again have a number of forms and applications that need to be filled out as well as interviews.